Seven possible causes of infertility- which one is preventing you!

Being pregnant is every woman’s dream but there are times when certain situations deprive a woman that beautiful dream of being what she should be…. Mum! There are seven classes of causes of infertility. Infertility can be caused by one of these or combination of it.
1- Ovulation Issues
This is a condition where a hormonal disorder prevents the normal release of mature eggs from your ovaries each month, which reduces considerably your chances to get pregnant. This condition is called anovulation. To fix it, there are ovulation-stimulating drugs that really help to regulate your ovulation cycle but be sure to ask for medical advice before taking it.
2- Blocked Fallopian Tubes
When the fallopian tubes are blocked, it makes it very hard for your eggs to arrive at the uterus and be in contact with the sperm. There are many causes that could provoke this, such as Chlamydia (a sexually transmitted disease), pelvic inflammatory disease or previous sterilization surgery The way to fix this is with Laparoscopy surgery, but if the blockage can't be removed successfully, In Vitro Fertilization treatment may work. However, keep in mind that it is a really expensive treatment.
3- Damaged eggs
When you are at your late 30's or early 40's, the quality of your eggs starts declining considerably. This means they are not as "fresh" and start to develop genetic anomalies, which makes a lot harder to sustain pregnancy. The most recommended action when the causes of infertility are genetic is to find a young egg donor, because you can still develop the baby in your womb with "borrowed" eggs and the probabilities of having a safe pregnancy increases a lot.
4- Endometriosis
This condition is recognized by painful menstrual cycles and heavy menstrual bleeding. Endometriosis occurs when part of the endometric tissue, that is inside your uterus, starts to grow out of it and blocks the fallopian tubes. This is one of the most common causes of infertility and can be solved by a small surgical procedure called Laparoscopy. This surgery is not a particularly pleasing process, but women that do it increase by a 40/60% their possibilities to get pregnant 18 months after the surgery.
5 Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome
Conceiving with polycystic ovaries is harder than normal but is very achievable. Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS) cause a hormonal disorder on your body so you start producing more masculine hormones than feminine ones, interrupting the regularity of your periods. This dramatically reduces your chances to conceive. The most effective way to treat this hormonal disorder is with fertility drugs but you should do it with the supervision of your gynecologist or a fertility endocrinologist because he must indicate you the right dosage for it to work.
6- Sperm Issues
The main causes of infertility on males are low sperm count and slow sperm mobility. There are fertility drugs to increase the sperm count and they usually improve the conceiving chances by 25%. Another option to this problem is Artificial Insemination or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (which means to directly inject the sperm into the egg)
7- Overweight
This is by far one of the most common causes of infertility and is easily overlooked. Watch out for your weight, since elevated levels of insulin in your body can mess around with your hormonal balance, complicating the conception and increasing the possibilities of pregnancy complications; like gestational diabetes. Studies have revealed that even a small reduction in your weight (about 5%) can greatly increase your chances to get pregnant if you are having trouble to conceive.(Alexa Miller)