My Most Fertile Days?

A woman who wants to conceive may wish to know when she is most fertile in a month. Your ovulation and menstrual cycle are co-partners that work together to determine this.
Your most fertile period in a month are the 4-5 days before ovulation begins and the day of ovulation. You will not be pregnant if you have intercourse the day after ovulation.
Sperm can survive at most five days before it dies so you need to really calculate well to know when are the optimal days for fertilization to take place, that way a better chance of conception is greater.
My most fertile days: Calculate with your wall calendar.
Let’s use the calendar at your home, mark the first day of your period. When your next period starts, mark the day before on the calendar. Continue marking the first and day before the first day of your menstrual cycle for few months. Calculate average days between your periods together to determine the average length of your cycle. For instance, if you tracked for three months and noted 30, 31 and 29 days the average length of your menstrual cycle would be 30 days.

Ovulation takes place about half way through the menstrual cycle. In the above example, ovulation would normally occur on the 15th day of the cycle. Intercourse should take place three to four days before the 15th to achieve fertility and conception during these fertile days.

Important note: Your cycle is not necessarily monthly. If you have a 30 day menstrual cycle the first day could start in the middle of the month so use the calendar to mark the 15th day of your cycle and the three to four days before that midpoint as your fertile days.
My most fertile days: Calculating with your vaginal mucus
Vaginal mucus will change as ovulation comes closer. The mucus is normally thick and glue-like. Start noting the characteristic of your vaginal mucus on the first day after your menstrual cycle stops. About five to seven days later, there should be a change in the feeling and look of cervical mucus. The mucus will change from that thick, glue-like consistency to being thin and stretchy. Watch out for the change in your mucus in the morning when you get out of bed, let it be the first thing once you go to pee! This is a great sign of your coming fertile days – now is the time to have intercourse.
My most fertile days: Other ways to know

A mild cramp is often noticed about two days before ovulation. Sex drive may increase due to a reduction in oestrogen levels. Basal metabolic temperature may also slightly rise. These changes indicate ovulation and you most utilize the period