Dealing With Advanced-Age and Pregnancy

In today's world, there is a growing trend of women who are choosing to have children later in life. Reasons being are that women have decided to further their education and advance more in their careers unlike their predecessors. Today's woman desires to be more independent and settled before starting a family. Along with any benefits, there are risks! Even though a woman maybe more shelf assured and confident mentally, her body may not be as confident as she ages without proper guidance and prenatal care. In this article, we will be discussing how to deal with advanced aging and pregnancy as well as the risks and benefits involved.
First, let's define advanced aging when it comes to pregnancy. Women who conceive after the age of 35 are considered a higher risk as well as an advanced age for pregnancy. Although many women who conceive at an advanced age are at a higher risk, that certainly does not mean that she won't have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. It just means that she should take a few more precautions and her doctor should monitor her and the baby a little more closely. The fact of the matter is that as we age, our bodies become weaker - but only if we allow it! As our bodies become weaker, our eggs become older, hormonal changes occur and so on. Contrary to what some people believe, including doctors, our eggs do not have a shelf life. Chinese medicine believes that as long as your hormones are in balance and you are in good health, you can become pregnant naturally in your late thirties, forties or even in your fifties.
Women who are considered to be of advanced age when becoming pregnant have higher risk of multiple births, down syndrome and pregnancy related complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that the odds of women who are in their 20's to have a Down Syndrome baby is 1 in 10,000, a women is her mid thirties is about 1 in 1,000 and 1 in 100 for women in their forties. The reason being is because through the years both the man and woman have probably been exposed to radiation (such as x-rays), illnesses and drugs that may have damaged his sperm or her eggs. But again, regardless of age, women who are in good health and condition can have a healthy baby, especially if they receive good prenatal care before and after conception.
Even though the risks are somewhat higher for women over the age of 35 to conceive a healthy baby,Chinese medicine, modern medicine and technology have lowered that same risk through the years. Because of the known risks associated with advanced age pregnancy, older mothers tend to take better care of them selves than younger mothers. Older mothers tend to be more stable in their relationship with their partner, have achieved their career goals, are better financially set and are more mature.
Studies have also shown that mothers who have waited to have children later in life tend to have more patience and demon straight better parenting. I am not saying that younger mothers are not good parents or just as good, but what I am saying is this. Women who have had a chance to experience life such a career, more time with her partner and especially time to her self, she is more likely not to feel confined and stressed. Parenting at any age is not always easy, but being secure with who you are and your surroundings makes it a lot easier.