Once your baby is born, new phase of challenges emerge and yourability to handle and cope with them determines wheather you will experience stress, depression or joy. These challenges are found mostly in breast feedingyour new baby. Don't forget you are used to sleeping peacefully at night without disturbance, your new bundle of joy (your baby) will intrude into your peaceful sleep with his constant demand for breast milk! Mothers are encouraged to breast feed their babies in lieu of bottlefeeding with baby formulae. It is easier to breast feed than bottle feed.You can prepare your breast for breast feeding while you are pregnant.Simply place your palm around your breast and gently press it towardsthe nipples (start doing this as from your 8months). You can rub bland lanolin ointment especially if your nipples are dry. You can draw out your nipples gently with two fingers at least 5 minutes in a day,this helps your nipples to be flexible. Another better way to stimulate your breast for breast feeding during pregnancy is to have your partner fondle it with his hands or tongue or both.
The quality of your breast milk cannot be altered regardless of what you eat-by this I mean that the natural ingredients the breast is made of never alter e.g glucose. You still need to feed well as these will help you look fit and kicking. Avoid excess alcohol if you must take it. Breast feeding has a lot of advantages attached to it unlike bottle-feeding. Here are some ofthe advantages;
(1) Breast milk has anti infection agents that help to fight infections, thereby protecting babies from diseases.
(2) Breast feeding creates bond between mother and baby, such bond can not be achieved through bottle-feeding.
(3) Breast milk is naturally self-sterilised. You dont need to be scared of the safety of what you are giving your baby.
(4) Breast feeding is not stressful or demanding rather it is convenient, after breast feeding your baby you dont have wash the breast but bottle feeding is demanding because you will need to wash, sterilise and tidy up after every feeding which can be tiresome atimes.
(5) Breast feeding cost no money to do it but bottle feeding cost so much money to do it
(6) Breast milk to an extent help prevent the breast feeding mother from being pregnant so easily while intensively breast feeding.
These are some of the advantages of breast milk. Whenever you see a happy baby just know he is breast fed and not bottle fed, research shows that breast fed babys exhibit unsual happiness. Breast feed your baby.