Very few people can argue with the fact that stretch mark make the skin of the person on whose body they are present rather unsightly. From that, it follows that any person who happens to find stretch mark on their body - maybe as a result of a recent pregnancy or something of that sort - is bound to find themselves looking, almost desperately, for ways to get rid of the marks.

One of the ways to get rid of stretch-marks is through the use of the various stretch mark creams. As it turns out, one of the major causes of stretch mark is lack of skin elasticity to cope with pressure that is placed on it. So what stretch mark creams do is to moisturize the skin, and thereby restore its elasticity - in the process getting rid of the stretch marks that may be already present on the skin, while also keeping the cream's user out of the stretch-marks' way in case they don't have any stretch marks, but are using the stretch mark creams to protect themselves from the stretch-marks.

One popular stretch mark cream is Trilastin. Manufactured by one of the industry leaders in the skin care sector (EC Research Corp.), Trilastin has in the recent past gained a reputation as a truly effective stretch mark fighting aid, and so much has its popularity been that it is has at least once become a topic for discussion on the Tyra Banks TV show, a popular American 'talk show' where emerging trends in ladies circles are discussed.

Another popular stretch mark cream is ZenMed Stretta; known to many people simply as ZenMed. A product linked to another notable skin care industry leader (Raging Creations), ZenMed is marketed on a platform of its 'naturalness' - seeing that it made from natural substances that have been known to work wonders on stretch-marks, like the so-called essential oils and naturally occurring chemical extracts. What is clear from the testimonies of the various people who have used ZenMed Stretta - some without any commercial interests in the product that would see them give biased endorsements - is that this is a product that is truly effective the removal and prevention of stretch marks, and one whose use has not been to induce any side effects as it is largely a 'natural' product. Notably, many people who have used ZenMed have confessed of the cream's efficacy at removing stretch marks they had all but given up on.

Then there is Revitol, as yet another rather notable stretch-marks removal cream. As with other Revitol products, Revitol stretch marks removal cream oozes of quality even by the look of its packaging, and does not disappoint when actually used, removing as it does, some of the most stubborn stretch marks. Revitol has also been seen to work very well in the prevention of stretch marks for people undergoing situations that predispose them to stretch marks, like the rapid weight gain and weight loss that follows pregnancy and delivery. Provided what you are using is genuine Revitol Stretch mark removal cream, you can also rest in the peace of mind - with regard to efficacy and relative safety - that comes from using products from a reputable manufacturer.