Teething In Babies (Care and Remedies)

Teething is the process by which an infant’s teeth sequentially appear by breaking through the gums. Teething may start as early as three months or as late, in some cases, as twelve months. The typical time frame for new teeth to appear is somewhere between six and nine months.
The level of pain a child can bear differs from one baby to another. The sore and swell that is associated with emerging of teeth is responsible for the pain, restlessness, constant cry, sleeplessness irritability, fever etc babies often experience.

Some of the signs or symptoms that a baby has entered the teething stage will be actions that are noticeable. They may chew on their fingers or toys to help relieve pressure on their gums. Babies might refuse to eat or drink due to the pain. Symptoms will generally fade on their own, but a doctor should be notified if they worsen or are persistent. Teething may cause signs and symptoms in the mouth and gums, but it doesn't cause problems elsewhere in the body.

Pulling on the ears is another sign of pain; the pain in the mouth throbs throughout the baby's head so they pull their ears believing that it will provide relief. Mild rash can develop around the mouth due to skin irritation that is caused because of excessive drooling or dribbling.
Before treating a baby for teething, it is important to know what is causing the baby to be upset. Rubbing a finger gently along the baby’s gums in search for swollen ridges or the feel of a tooth below the gums is one way to be certain. If unsure, it is recommended that the child be seen by a doctor before treatment is administered.

Infants chew on objects to aid in the teething process. This can be dangerous if the baby is allowed to chew on objects which are small enough to be swallowed or which could break while being chewed and cause choking Teething rings (ring for an infant to bite on while teething) and other toys, called teethers, are often designed with textures that will appeal to an infant during teething as they rub it against their gums, they feel relieved of the hunting pain.

In cases where the infant is in obvious pain, some doctors recommend the use of anti-inflammatory or child-safe pain-relief treatments. Some infants gain relief from chewing on cold objects. Dentists recommend brushing infants' teeth as soon as they appear. It is not advisable to wait for the teething process to be complete. Dentists may recommend against the use of fluoride toothpaste during teething.

Birth Injury During Delivery

Birth injuries happen to a baby immediately following or during the time of their delivery. Quite a few different things can cause a birth injury. Some of the causes are natural whereas others are due to medical malpractice or negligence. In any case, it is a devastating situation for both the child as well as his or her parents.One of the most common kinds of birth injury is a brain injury. A brain injury that occurs while the baby is being born is often caused by either bleeding on the brain or it is due to a lack of oxygen.One type of widely known brain injury that happens to newborns is Cerebral Palsy. This condition is the result of damage that occurred to the child's cerebrum, which is a very important part of their brain. If a child is struck with Cerebral Palsy then the baby will not have as much ability as a normal child to control his or her movements. And their mental capacity may be limited as well.

Branchial Plexus is another common type of birth injury. This brain injury is actually caused by Shoulder Dystocia. This happens when the baby's shoulders get stuck in its mother's pelvis. Because the baby's neck is strained in this situation the nerves between the shoulder and the neck can get damaged. Fortunately these are treatable injuries. Although Cerebral Palsy and Brachial Plexus are the two most widely known and most common types of birth injuries, there are other situations that can happen during childbirth that can cause ongoing problems.

For example, if forceps are being used to assist in the delivery, then the baby could experience bruising on his brain or scalp, or bleeding underneath his scalp and/or inside his skull.If the mother has a Type B Streptococcus virus it can be passed to her baby. Although it's harmless to the mom, it can be incredibly dangerous to a newborn child. If it is detected then it may be treated with high doses of antibiotics that are given to the mom both before as well as after the baby has been delivered.

Also, some babies have a difficult time passing through the mother's birth canal. And when that happens they could experience clavicle fractures.If a baby has suffered from a significant birth injury it could result in a life altering situation. In such cases ongoing medical attention can be quite very urgent and expensive.