Cesarean Birth – When it cannot be avoided

Cesarean birth is the surgical delivery of your baby through a cut that is made at your lower belly .It is also known as cesarean section or C-section. It is usually done when there is serious medical issue that is inevitable.
Most times reasons for cesarean birth is known even before labour sets in while sometimes it is the dangers a doctor foresees during labour that tells if there would be need for cesarean section.

Reasons for cesarean section before labour begins
1)A baby has defects that would get worse if vaginal birth is used to deliver him.
2)A mother has health issue that will make vaginal birth difficult. For instance:
-if you have genital herpes infection or STD that is severe, your baby may be infected during virginal child birth.
-If you have heart problem that may get worse if you go through the stress of labour.
-If you have HIV/AIDS, it would be most noble to have cesarean birth.
Reasons for cesarean section during labour
1)The baby’s position is breeched. A baby is meant to have his head down into the birth canal during normal birth but when his bottom comes first or he lies sideways, it becomes difficult to safely deliver him.
2) When the baby’s head is not channeling into the birth pelvis.
3) If the umbilical cord is coming before the baby through the cervix.
Why cesarean is not safe
Vaginal birth remains the best birth option because it is safer and less expensive.
1)Existence of pain after weeks or months after child birth
2) Increased risk of having infection.
3)It is difficult taking care of baby after birth.
4)It poses risk for subsequent pregnancy if not managed well.
How cesarean birth is performed in the theatre
Before the cesarean section, below your belly will be shaved to make space for the cut (incision). You will be given antacid to reduce acid level in your stomach and a fetal monitor will be used to check the heart of your baby.
You will be taken to the surgery room right there you will be given anesthesia to kill pain, it make the lower part of of your body numb. Trembling, and drop in the blood pressure and vomiting are common or associated with anesthesia injection which could be spinal or epidural anesthesia. A catheter is connected to your bladder to drain urine, then your belly is washed with antiseptic to make it germ free.
Your belly is covered with a surgical sheet with whole that centers on the spot where the incision will be made. The doctors will cut the portion in your belly that has been washed and sterilized. Two incisions will be made the first is on your skin and second on the uterus, you may not feel pain while the surgery is going on but may feel pressure and pulling. The doctor brings out the baby and sucks out mucus and fluids out of his mouth and nose, then cuts the cord. The placenta is removed and the incision on your belly and uterus is closed back.
After cesarean section, if you are strong enough, the doctor gives you your baby to cuddle and establish bond with him. You will be moved to special care unit where you will be monitored and given anesthesia when necessary to relieve pain.