Ectopic Pregnancy - Causes, Symptoms and Cure
There are many pregnancy abnormalities known in medical science. Among these abnormalities, ectopic pregnancy is one of them. It is actually a type of pregnancy complication. In ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized ovum starts nourishing in some other tissues other than uterine wall. Mostly, the fertilized ovum starts developing in tubes. Due to this development in tubes instead of uterine wall, this abnormality is also called tubal pregnancy. It is not necessarily tubes where fertilized egg develops; it can be any other parts of the body. The common places for the fertilized egg to grow are cervix or abdomen. The egg keeps on developing and the time comes when it become mature enough to burst causing severe bleeding and ultimately can prove fatal for mother's health. If it is not treated properly then the it can have deathly consequences.

The symptoms of this disease are very subtle and are very difficult to identify. However, you can have grim prognosis of whether you have this abnormality or not by the early signs of this disease. The early symptoms of this disease include pain in lower abdomen and also pain while having bowel movements. The most threatening symptom of this disease is vaginal bleeding. This is quite obvious symptom of this disease. Ectopic pregnancy is actually nothing more than a failing pregnancy so it causes much vaginal bleeding. The patient suffers from internal as well as external bleeding in ectopic pregnancy. Internal bleeding can cause severe pain in backbone and pelvis regions. It also causes severe pain in shoulder and you are unable to do any daily chores.

As I have explained earlier that ectopic pregnancy is abnormal pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is unable to reach women's uterus due to certain blockage. This blockage can be caused by several factors. This blockage can either be caused by inflammation of tubes or endometriosis. The other things that can cause blockage of tubes are some past surgery. The blockage of tubes can instantaneously be checked with the help of urine test because this test gives results very fast and ectopic pregnancy must be treated as soon as it is diagnosed.

If ectopic pregnancy is in premature stages then an injection of methotrexate is given to the patient causing decease in the growth of the embryo. If the embryo has developed somewhat bigger in the tubes then surgical methods are used to remove the abnormally developed embryo. However the modern techniques such as laparoscopy can save the patient from complex surgical methods. Laparoscopy is a method in which the access to pelvis of the patient is gained and then the affected tube which is causing abnormal pregnancy is removed. This is a bitter fact that ectopic pregnancy can develop again. So the best practice is to get a regular check-up from some expert doctor to monitor the functioning of Fallopian tubes and minimizing the chances of getting ectopic pregnancy again. Bambang_Hermanto

Is It Safe to Continue Breastfeeding While Nipples Are Sore

Breastfeeding your own baby is a source of great joy, especially after all the stress you have gone through during pregnancy and birth-giving. But the pain of sore nipples makes breastfeeding a terrible thing for some mothers.
Nipples that have the feeling of swelling, painful, hard, and feverish are what lactating mothers complain most of the time when breastfeeding. Sore nipples should not stop you from giving the best nutrition to your baby, and that is your breast milk. What you should do is to look for ways that will help you solve your problems regarding sore nipples and continue the breastfeeding.
It is always safe to continue breastfeeding even while the nipples are sore. Just make sure that the treatments you are using for your sore nipples are safe and not harmful for you and your baby. There are different ways on how you can treat your sore nipples while you safely continue breastfeeding the baby. Herbal medicines, for one instance, are effective yet safe. These herbs are proven to not only treat sore nipples, but also help in producing smooth and continuous flow of breast milk. Soaking the nipples on warm water with basil leaves or teabags will stimulate fast healing, but make sure to wash the breast, especially the nipples before breastfeeding.
Another treatment for sore nipples is the use of creams. Lanolin (100 cotton and always choose the ones that are not too tight because tight bras will make your milk duct clogged.
If your nipples are sore and painful due to breastfeeding, never opt to stop or discontinue breastfeeding for a while because it will only worsen the problem and cause you even greater pains later on. Just choose the right remedies to relieve the sore and pains of your nipples and then allow your baby to latch on for the baby’s better physical and psychological development.

Looking Your Best While Pregnant

Good skin care practices can help women avoid acne pregnancy problems. Of all of the things pregnant women try to anticipate, the changes in their skin are not one of them. It's easy to plan for weight gain, or even strange appetites, but skin care is a little different. It is especially unexpected in women who never experience skin issues, before pregnancy. This doesn't have to be the end of the world. Women experience a number of skin changes while they're pregnant. But if they make a habit of performing good, regular skin care practices, this is not a problem. This may, however, be more of an issue for those women who have been prone to acne issues. It is possible to avoid acne outbreaks during pregnancy, too.

There are many skin care products on the market today. Pregnant women have a choice, and can easily find skin care products that are right for them. It is also important to understand what your particular skin type is. You should also keep in mind what type of skin changes you're experiencing, so you can treat those symptoms effectively.

One of the most popular things, pregnant women are known for is their glowing skin. This will not be every woman's experience. However, your skin can look its best, as long as, you take care of it throughout your pregnancy. Washing your face well, is the first step in the process.

Although many of the fancy, scented soaps look and smell good, they may not be what you need on your face. Most often, it's the very mild soaps that work best for the skin. These are great skin care products to keep in your home. And, it is a good idea to wash your face twice, daily. This is especially paramount when you're experiencing some sort of skin problems.

For some pregnant women, they will experience abnormally dry skin. This is usually characterized by skin that can barely retain moisture. This skin problem often leaves the skin appearing aged or parched. For dry skin, a pregnant woman must look for products that, add moisture to the skin. These products can be used throughout the day, as well.
Other women will have problems with oily skin. Tackling this problem is one of the simplest ways to avoid acne. Acne is caused, often, by having skin that is too oily. For oily skin, it is important to find the right products, too. Look for the ones that specify treatment of oily skin.

It is also good to find an exfoliating product. This helps get rid of excess oils, and makes the face appear more natural. And if by chance you experience some acne issues, it is wise to consult your doctor before addressing the problem. Since not all products are safe for pregnant women to use, get your doctor's opinion first.

Most often, the use of topical creams, are used to relieve acne symptoms. But depending on the ingredients of the product, you may need one that is milder. Sandra_B_Wilson

Can Sexual Position Determine Baby Gender?

Is it true - can sexual position determine baby gender?
Myths, lies old wives tales and hoaxes floating around trying to tie sexual positions to specific baby gender have been around for years - probably since they've been making babies! I'm sure you've probably read a few by now - have you gotten any answers that have sounded even partly plausible?
Some of my research into how to get the specific baby gender through sexual intercourse positions has resulted in major scientific institutions publicly stating that they have no research that proves one way or the other!
However, I think that I can show you some physiological logic that may make some practical sense - and maybe offer some practical solutions to choose your baby's gender through specific sexual positions.
Male sperm (the ones with a "Y" chromosome) have been scientifically proven to be fast swimmers, champion sprinters, but with a short life of about 24 hours. The female sperm (those that carry an "X"), are the long-distance athletes. They don't move as fast as the males, but they can live much longer - typically up to 72 hours in a woman's body.
If you want a boy, all you have to do is make sure that a sperm with a "Y" chromosome fertilizes the waiting egg - that's it! On the other hand, if the egg gets fertilized with by a sperm that carries an "X" chromosome, then you'll bet a beautiful baby girl! Most experts say that whichever sperm fertilizes the egg is a random event - no one has any control over the event. But, given the differences in the sperm, is this really true? Is it really random?
Now that we know these basic characteristics, logic can reveal which sexual positions can take advantage of either sperm's strong points.
How To Make A Baby Boy
If you want to make a baby boy, you should make it as easy as possible for the "Y" chromosome sperm to win the race to the egg. With great speed, but a short life, that male sperm should be deposited as close to the egg as possible. In this instance, the good old missionary position is best - with maximum penetration and the woman on her back to allow as clear a path as possible. For the best results as the man ejaculates, the woman should move her legs as close to her breasts as possible.
Also, some say that timing is as important as sexual position. The closer that intercourse is to ovulation, the better chance you'll have a boy. Have frequent intercourse about a day before ovulation. To make sure sperm count is as high as possible, have the man wear boxers - heat destroys sperm, and you want plenty of sperm for a successful implantation.
How to Make A Baby Girl
Given what we know about male vs. female sperm, you would want none - or very few - male sperm to reach the egg. So, for the best chance for a baby girl, you should deposit sperm farther away from the egg - so that the male sperm "die off" early, allowing the slower, but longer lasting female sperm to reach the egg. Shallow penetration should be used here - usually from the rear (doggie-style).
Again, the timing issue is noted as well. Since the female sperm is a slow swimmer, you would want to deliver the sperm no earlier than 4 days before ovulation. And, you ovulate about 14 days into your cycle. This method again uses timing - taking advantage of the slower but longer-lived sperm to make a baby girl. The thought is to have the sperm ready and at the fallopian tube as the egg is released. Don't forget - no sex for a week afterwards! You might introduce some fast-swimmers into the mix and get a boy!
No matter what you've heard if sexual position can determine baby gender, there appears to be some truths to the myths. No guarantees, of course. But logic and reasoning would tell us that it could be possible.
No matter if you end up with a boy or a girl, just be thankful that he or she is born healthy and happy to a loving family

Twin Pregnancy FAQ

Discovering that you're pregnant with twins is exciting but also quite overwhelming. Because twin pregnancies carry additional risks and precautions, you likely have many questions.

What's different about a twin pregnancy?

The experience of a twin pregnancy can be very different for some women. In some cases, women who are pregnant with twins experience enhanced pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, or edema (swelling). A a woman who is pregnant with twins is at greater risk for some medical complications, such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) and gestational diabetes. What are the signs of twin pregnancy?
While some women report drastic differences in a twin pregnancy, others report no differences from a singleton pregnancy. Some of the most common indicators of multiple births are weight gain, measuring large for gestational age, severe morning sickness, early detection of fetal movement, abnormally High Results on an AFP or Triple Screen Test, extreme fatigue and elevated HcG Levels.

How can I find out if I am having twins?

Ultrasound remains the most reliable way to detect and monitor a multiple pregnancy. The routine use of ultrasound in prenatal care has reduced the number of surprise appearances by twins in the delivery room; most multiples are discovered during the first half of pregnancy. If you have a hunch or suspect that you are carrying twins or more, discuss your feelings with your doctor.

Will I have to go on bed rest?

Bed rest is prescribed in multiple pregnancy as a preventative and precautionary tool. It can provide benefits for both mom and babies, prolonging a pregnancy in danger of preterm labor to a woman whose body is under stress. In 1992, a survey by the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs showed that 70 percent of women expecting multiple births experienced bed rest at some point in their pregnancy. However, times have changed and doctors have become less rigid about sentencing women to bed.

Can there be a hidden twin?

Nearly every pregnant woman considers the possibility that she may be carrying more than one baby. The only way to confirm a twin or multiple pregnancy is by visually identifying the multiple fetuses with ultrasound. If your doctor or caregiver can only see one baby, you're not having twins or multiples. There are some very rare exceptions. Ultrasound provides a picture of the womb, but sometimes the picture can be misleading or misinterpreted, particularly if performed very early in the pregnancy or by an incompetent technician. At twenty weeks, a second fetus would be clearly visible on ultrasound, and the likelihood that there is another baby hidden in the womb is extremely small.

What is vanishing twin syndrome?

Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs when one of a set of twin fetuses apparently disappears from the womb during pregnancy, usually resulting in a normal singleton pregnancy. One of the fetuses in a twin pregnancy spontaneously aborts, usually during the first trimester; the fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, the placenta, or the mother, thus giving the appearance that the twin "vanished." In recent years, enhanced use of ultrasound early in pregnancy has increased the frequency of diagnosis of twin pregnancy. As a result, there has been a heightened awareness of vanishing twin syndrome.

How much weight will I gain?

Women are always worried about how much weight they will gain with any pregnancy, singleton or multiple. Now that you're having twins, the thought of extra weight gain seems scary. Generally, a healthy pregnancy requires that a woman gain 25 to 30 pounds during the nine month gestation period, depending on her body type. But that's for just one baby. Like everything about having multiples, more is required. Doctor recommendations vary, but most women tend to gain about 35 to 45 pounds during a twin pregnancy, with about 10 additional pounds for every additional baby in a higher order multiple pregnancy. However, this is just a guideline so be sure to speak to your doctor about what is appropriate for your body type.

What is the typical gestation for a twin pregnancy?

Generally, twins and other multiples are born earlier than singletons. Research from the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC) indicates that about half of multiples are born before 36 weeks gestation. There's no way to know exactly when your babies will be born. In some cases, a premature birth can not be avoided. Some doctors feel that thirty-seven or thirty-eight weeks should be considered full-term for twins and will seek to prompt the delivery of the babies at that time.

Are my twins identical or fraternal?

This is one of the first things people want to know about a twin pregnancy. Here are some ways to discover is you're twins are identical or fraternal:
* If you're twins are the same gender, they are identical.

* If you're twins have been diagnosed with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTS), they are identical. TTS does not affect fraternal twins.

* If there is a single, shared placenta, it is more likely you're twins are identical.

* If you're twins have been identified as monoamnionic, they are identical. Only identical twins develop with a single, shared amnion.
Sexual Positions To Avoid If You Want Pregnancy Fast

Sex positions are something that you should consider a lot when it comes to conceiving baby. Of course, they are greatly responsible in making you pregnant fast and at the same time, they can really get you down if you fail to consider the right sex position when having intercourse.
So let us take a thorough look into this concern. You require taking a couple of considerations in your mind in order to conceive a baby, for example, the number of times you have intercourse successfully and the period of the month.
It has been medically proven that ejecting sperm cells once or twice would not be enough to develop a fertile egg cell inside the body of women for becoming fertilized successfully. Of course, it's extremely easy for some people to conceive, especially in case you're younger and you're seriously into it.
However, it is really a serious problem for those people who want to conceive a baby but are finding it hard to have intercourse very often due to their older age.
You should take a note of your ovulation cycle by consulting a calendar and charts, supporting the data collection using a thermometer. Or, you can consult to your doctor asking for the next steps to be taken for being able to track down the period when you're most fertile.
It can be quite tricky to determine the best sex positions and so hard to locate out the positions to be avoid when having intercourse. Anyways, below I have tried my best to include a couple sex positions to be avoided when having intercourse. Check them out:
First position to avoid
When the male tries to have intercourse with his partner from behind, it no doubt requires an additional effort. This movement will tend to add more friction as well as increase the odds of premature ejaculation. So it'd be better to not get into this sort of position if you want to prevent
yourself from early ejaculation.
Second position to avoid
Another position to be avoided is the positions that make your body into a ninety degree angle or an L-shape. This L-shape is actually formed by meeting your thighs and your hips. This position somehow resembles to the earlier one.
The positions to adopt
You can give a try to the missionary position if you seriously want to conceive fast. In this position, the female lay on the bed, and the male lay on her top, positioning between the legs. This sex position enables complete penetration, and enables the male's penis to reach extremely closer to the female's cervix throughout the ejaculation.
Scissor position is another position that you can give a try. When having intercourse preferring this position, the male and female are opposite to each other, touching each other organs.
Maximum penetration is obvious with this sort of position as well and since both the partners move at the same time it would offer better results.