Natural Ways to Deal With Morning Sickness

Morning sickness occurs in most pregnancies throughout the first months when surges of hormones are rushing through the body. Some pregnant mothers-to-be have days where it is difficult to get out of bed, let alone make it to work and accomplish all of the tasks that must be completed throughout the day. What are some ways that we can deal with morning sickness and ease the symptoms – besides soda crackers and water, of course? This natural mother-to-be breakfast is popular with those dealing with morning sickness. Read on for natural methods that many find helpful in dealing with the nausea.
Having something in your tummy does wonders for morning sickness and many moms find it helpful to have healthy snacks close by. Eating can help the nausea, rather than hinder it. Some healthy snacks to keep in mind are; whole wheat crackers, breads, muffins and other grains as well as fruit, dried fruit, nuts and other healthy alternatives to sugar. Having these snacks accessible while on the go can stave those cravings as well – and help to reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes.
Some mothers have sworn on eating habits to improve the symptoms of morning sickness. Apparently, eating something salty before every meal can help to quell the nausea.
Avoid acidic or greasy food, which prompts nausea. These foods are not healthy to consume during the pregnancy and should be for the most part, avoided. There are many healthy alternatives that can be consumed like fruits, whole grains and substitutions like whole grain pastas, and breads.
Ginger has been known for centuries to provide relief to sickness, or digestive ailments and is one of the most effective natural measures to morning sickness, as well as the safest. Consuming ginger root as often as possible can decrease the effects while decreasing the severity of the nausea. Whether you choose to use ginger root, ginger supplements or ginger tea – consult your health professional first with any questions.
Eat the moment that you wake up because morning sickness symptoms are thought to be worse on an empty stomach, as contradictory as this may seem. Have your partner bring you snacks while in bed in the morning, or store snacks for easy access at the night table to be eaten as soon as you wake up.
Morning sickness comes at a time when the mother needs to be the most hydrated and therefore it is important that water be consumed to compensate for the water that is being lost through nausea and vomiting. If the mother becomes dehydrated it not only has adverse effects on her body, but on the body of the baby as well.
Small naps throughout the day have been known to ease the symptoms of morning sickness for those mothers experiencing all day nausea.
Although the mother-to-be may be experiencing large bouts of morning sickness, it is crucial that food be consumed, as they are going to contain all the vitamins and nutrients that mom, as well as baby requires throughout the pregnancy.

Pregnancy And Morning Sickness

The toughest bit of the 1st trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness and any woman who has gone through or is going through it, knows the first signs usually develop during the month following the first missed menstrual period, when hormone levels increase. It may range from mild, occasional nausea to sever, continuous, debilitating nausea with bouts of vomiting. In most cases, symptoms may be worse in morning, albeit they can strike day or night.
Despite all advances in medicine, there is no way of predicting how long your morning sickness will last even if you have suffered it before. Generally, nausea and vomiting last till about 12 - 13 weeks of pregnancy. However, some women continue to feel ill beyond their 22nd week as well.
However, some studies show that mild to moderate sickness is a sign of a good pregnancy, and less risk of miscarriage.
There is no simple treatment. The best course of action is home treatment. The following tips work wonders not only when you wake up feeling nauseous but also work when you get that queasy feeling during the day.

Changing what, when and how much you eat coupled with certain changes to the way foods cooked helps.
During morning or for that matter all day sickness, you may find that eating five or six small meals, rather than the usual three large ones, is easier on the body. Make sure each meal contains some protein and carbohydrate, like whole wheat bread with grated cheese and a slice of tomato, rice or wheat preparation with some easily digestible / light cereals, orange juice and a whole wheat biscuit. Be creative; choose low fat health foods you know will tempt your appetite. Aversions to food because of nausea are perfectly normal and understandable.
Try not to kiss mealsEat small, dry snacks.
Don’t jump up out of bed immediately. Lie quietly for a while and ask you husband to bring you a slice of fresh lemon or orange or a dry, bland biscuit.
Avoid large drinks, have frequent small one between meals.
Spicy, fried foods, and fatty foods like very rich sweets, are best avoided.
Avoid excessive consumption of pickles or chutney, which is rich in salt.
Don’t spend much time in the kitchen and avoid the strong smell of certain foods when shopping.

Prepare food when feeling least nauseous.
Taking lemon or orange juice in the morning and before meals relieves nausea of early pregnancy.

Suck an ice cube till the nausea passes off.
Sip on cool water.

However, if you have severe, persistent nausea and vomiting, see your doctor. This not so common complication of pregnancy can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, sometimes calling for prescribed medication and in some cases even hospitalization. Although drugs are best avoided in pregnancy, especially in the early months, there are some that have been in use for many years with no apparent danger to the developing baby.

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

This is staggering, that nearly 90% of all pregnant women will suffer from stretch marks, either during pregnancy or after it. Stretch marks are caused during pregnancy, due to the body's inability to deal with the natural weight gain. This weight gain causes the skin to stretch. Specifically the stretch mark are caused because the body can't produce enough collagen to repair the skin.

But there is no reason why women can't protect themselves from stretch marks during pregnancy. Here is a list of tips that will definitely help you prevent stretch marks:
- Gaining weight to quickly will increase the chance of stretch marks. You need to eat correctly during your pregnancy. Don't forget your not eating for two.
- It's extremely important that you keep well hydrated during the pregnancy. As this will keep your skin hydrated and gives it more elasticity.
- You still need to exercise during pregnancy, as this keeps the muscles toned and keeps the skin flexible.
- Getting regular massages on your arms, legs, breasts and abdomen with a special stretch mark cream is the by far the best way to keep stretch marks away.

Can you prevent pregnancy stretch marks? Of course you can anybody can. As explained in the last point the best way to prevent pregnancy stretch marks is using a stretch mark cream.


Very few people can argue with the fact that stretch mark make the skin of the person on whose body they are present rather unsightly. From that, it follows that any person who happens to find stretch mark on their body - maybe as a result of a recent pregnancy or something of that sort - is bound to find themselves looking, almost desperately, for ways to get rid of the marks.

One of the ways to get rid of stretch-marks is through the use of the various stretch mark creams. As it turns out, one of the major causes of stretch mark is lack of skin elasticity to cope with pressure that is placed on it. So what stretch mark creams do is to moisturize the skin, and thereby restore its elasticity - in the process getting rid of the stretch marks that may be already present on the skin, while also keeping the cream's user out of the stretch-marks' way in case they don't have any stretch marks, but are using the stretch mark creams to protect themselves from the stretch-marks.

One popular stretch mark cream is Trilastin. Manufactured by one of the industry leaders in the skin care sector (EC Research Corp.), Trilastin has in the recent past gained a reputation as a truly effective stretch mark fighting aid, and so much has its popularity been that it is has at least once become a topic for discussion on the Tyra Banks TV show, a popular American 'talk show' where emerging trends in ladies circles are discussed.

Another popular stretch mark cream is ZenMed Stretta; known to many people simply as ZenMed. A product linked to another notable skin care industry leader (Raging Creations), ZenMed is marketed on a platform of its 'naturalness' - seeing that it made from natural substances that have been known to work wonders on stretch-marks, like the so-called essential oils and naturally occurring chemical extracts. What is clear from the testimonies of the various people who have used ZenMed Stretta - some without any commercial interests in the product that would see them give biased endorsements - is that this is a product that is truly effective the removal and prevention of stretch marks, and one whose use has not been to induce any side effects as it is largely a 'natural' product. Notably, many people who have used ZenMed have confessed of the cream's efficacy at removing stretch marks they had all but given up on.

Then there is Revitol, as yet another rather notable stretch-marks removal cream. As with other Revitol products, Revitol stretch marks removal cream oozes of quality even by the look of its packaging, and does not disappoint when actually used, removing as it does, some of the most stubborn stretch marks. Revitol has also been seen to work very well in the prevention of stretch marks for people undergoing situations that predispose them to stretch marks, like the rapid weight gain and weight loss that follows pregnancy and delivery. Provided what you are using is genuine Revitol Stretch mark removal cream, you can also rest in the peace of mind - with regard to efficacy and relative safety - that comes from using products from a reputable manufacturer.

Answers to 5 Most Embarrassing Pregnancy Questions

There are several pregnancy questions that might be appearing in your mind but you may not be asking the same from your best friend, doctor, midwife because the questions sound downright dirty and you may feel awkward. For example, you may be perturbed about your pee or worried about your wind. This article is your opportunity to get those questions answered.

Q1 - Why Is My Weeing Becoming All Wonky? It is quite usual during the last stages of pregnancy because your urethra can be displaced and stretched because of the pressure from the baby (particularly if the head is engaged). This is a harmless condition and there is nothing to worry about if your flow of urine is going in an unexpected direction.

Q2 - Is It Usual To Accidentally Pass Urine When I Laugh, Cough, Or Sneeze? This is obviously one of the most embarrassing pregnancy questions. Well such accidents are quite common during pregnancy, but you have to be very careful about it. There can be two reasons for this - first, it may be because of an issue with your pelvic floor, and second, because of the pressure from the baby. If the latter is the case, don't worry - it's completely usual. But, if former is the case, you are strongly recommended to talk to your midwife or doctor about it. They will tell you how to strengthen that area by practicing some simple pelvic floor exercises.

Q3 - Good Things Are Smelling Bad - What's Wrong With Me? There is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing wrong in asking such pregnancy questions from your midwife or doctor. It happens during pregnancy because the change in hormones heightens your senses. For example, if you loved coffee before, you may now start hating that smell. In fact, the hormonal changes during those special days make your body pretty clever and it develops a sense of deciding what is good and what is bad for it - what it should accept and what it should avoid. So, if smelling coffee makes you feel sick, it may be because your body is telling you to avoid too much caffeine, as it can be harmful for your and your baby's health.

Q4 - Should Morning Sickness Happen Only During The Morning Hours? Is It Unusual If It Lasts All Day? "Morning sickness" is just a term to describe the tendency of feeling nauseous during pregnancy. It does not necessarily have to happen only during the morning hours. For the majority of pregnant women, it does last all day. So, there's nothing unusual about it. The best way to deal with it is to eat small meals 5-6 times a day instead of three big meals.

Q5 - What About The Wind? Is It Normal To Fart So Much? This is obviously one of the most embarrassing situations and it is obvious to feel awkward asking such pregnancy questions. But, it is worth educating yourself on such issues. Well, experiencing increased flatulence is completely normal while you are pregnant. It mainly happens because of the slow digestive process caused by the hormonal changes.

Dealing With Advanced-Age and Pregnancy

In today's world, there is a growing trend of women who are choosing to have children later in life. Reasons being are that women have decided to further their education and advance more in their careers unlike their predecessors. Today's woman desires to be more independent and settled before starting a family. Along with any benefits, there are risks! Even though a woman maybe more shelf assured and confident mentally, her body may not be as confident as she ages without proper guidance and prenatal care. In this article, we will be discussing how to deal with advanced aging and pregnancy as well as the risks and benefits involved.
First, let's define advanced aging when it comes to pregnancy. Women who conceive after the age of 35 are considered a higher risk as well as an advanced age for pregnancy. Although many women who conceive at an advanced age are at a higher risk, that certainly does not mean that she won't have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. It just means that she should take a few more precautions and her doctor should monitor her and the baby a little more closely. The fact of the matter is that as we age, our bodies become weaker - but only if we allow it! As our bodies become weaker, our eggs become older, hormonal changes occur and so on. Contrary to what some people believe, including doctors, our eggs do not have a shelf life. Chinese medicine believes that as long as your hormones are in balance and you are in good health, you can become pregnant naturally in your late thirties, forties or even in your fifties.
Women who are considered to be of advanced age when becoming pregnant have higher risk of multiple births, down syndrome and pregnancy related complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that the odds of women who are in their 20's to have a Down Syndrome baby is 1 in 10,000, a women is her mid thirties is about 1 in 1,000 and 1 in 100 for women in their forties. The reason being is because through the years both the man and woman have probably been exposed to radiation (such as x-rays), illnesses and drugs that may have damaged his sperm or her eggs. But again, regardless of age, women who are in good health and condition can have a healthy baby, especially if they receive good prenatal care before and after conception.
Even though the risks are somewhat higher for women over the age of 35 to conceive a healthy baby,Chinese medicine, modern medicine and technology have lowered that same risk through the years. Because of the known risks associated with advanced age pregnancy, older mothers tend to take better care of them selves than younger mothers. Older mothers tend to be more stable in their relationship with their partner, have achieved their career goals, are better financially set and are more mature.
Studies have also shown that mothers who have waited to have children later in life tend to have more patience and demon straight better parenting. I am not saying that younger mothers are not good parents or just as good, but what I am saying is this. Women who have had a chance to experience life such a career, more time with her partner and especially time to her self, she is more likely not to feel confined and stressed. Parenting at any age is not always easy, but being secure with who you are and your surroundings makes it a lot easier.


Once your baby is born, new phase of challenges emerge and yourability to handle and cope with them determines wheather you will experience stress, depression or joy. These challenges are found mostly in breast feedingyour new baby. Don't forget you are used to sleeping peacefully at night without disturbance, your new bundle of joy (your baby) will intrude into your peaceful sleep with his constant demand for breast milk! Mothers are encouraged to breast feed their babies in lieu of bottlefeeding with baby formulae. It is easier to breast feed than bottle feed.You can prepare your breast for breast feeding while you are pregnant.Simply place your palm around your breast and gently press it towardsthe nipples (start doing this as from your 8months). You can rub bland lanolin ointment especially if your nipples are dry. You can draw out your nipples gently with two fingers at least 5 minutes in a day,this helps your nipples to be flexible. Another better way to stimulate your breast for breast feeding during pregnancy is to have your partner fondle it with his hands or tongue or both.
The quality of your breast milk cannot be altered regardless of what you eat-by this I mean that the natural ingredients the breast is made of never alter e.g glucose. You still need to feed well as these will help you look fit and kicking. Avoid excess alcohol if you must take it. Breast feeding has a lot of advantages attached to it unlike bottle-feeding. Here are some ofthe advantages;
(1) Breast milk has anti infection agents that help to fight infections, thereby protecting babies from diseases.
(2) Breast feeding creates bond between mother and baby, such bond can not be achieved through bottle-feeding.
(3) Breast milk is naturally self-sterilised. You dont need to be scared of the safety of what you are giving your baby.
(4) Breast feeding is not stressful or demanding rather it is convenient, after breast feeding your baby you dont have wash the breast but bottle feeding is demanding because you will need to wash, sterilise and tidy up after every feeding which can be tiresome atimes.
(5) Breast feeding cost no money to do it but bottle feeding cost so much money to do it
(6) Breast milk to an extent help prevent the breast feeding mother from being pregnant so easily while intensively breast feeding.
These are some of the advantages of breast milk. Whenever you see a happy baby just know he is breast fed and not bottle fed, research shows that breast fed babys exhibit unsual happiness. Breast feed your baby.

What You Need to Do If You Suspect You're Having a Miscarriage
If you are experiencing miscarriage, go to the hospital. If you cannot make it to the hospital call emergency help lines. The responding paramedic will have you rest quietly and may give you medications as directed by the Emergency Room physician at the base hospital by phone. Bring all prescription drugs, herbs, and supplements you may be taking to the hospital, and be honest with the ER doctor if you drink or use drugs.
A nurse or midwife will record your vital signs, and if you have been bleeding excessively, will take your pulse twice:
• First when you have been lying down quietly for 5 minutes
• Second when you have been standing fairly still for 1-3 minutes
You will require a vaginal exam during which the doctor inserts a clean clamp (speculum) to hold your vagina open and shines a bright light on your perineum to see well. If you have not had a pap smear in the past year, the doctor scrapes your cervix with a wooden Popsicle stick, smears the sample on a slide, and sends it to the Pathology Lab.
Some miscarriages are inevitable, so remember, if your membranes break and you go into labor, a baby can only survive outside the uterus if it is at least 24 weeks old. If you have a molar pregnancy, remember that a proper fetus does not form, and the cellular mass cannot survive outside your body. If this is the case, your doctor may suggest a cervical dilatation and evacuation with suction (D&E) to remove the products of conception by the end of your first trimester (Week 12 of pregnancy).
For unavoidable miscarriages, the choice method is dilatation and curettage (D&C). The surgeon places a black "matchstick" of seaweed (a laminaria tent) to gently open your cervix overnight. In the operating room, the surgeon gradually makes the opening of your cervix bigger, spinning a series of increasingly larger dilator wands. Grasping your uterus with a tenaculum clamp, the surgeon scrapes clean the lining of your uterus with curettes.
If you have an ectopic pregnancy, surgery will be necessary to remove the fetus and products of conception from the fallopian tube. In some cases, the surgeon will be unable to salvage the fallopian tube and must remove it (salpingectomy).
In all cases, you will be taken to a Recovery Room for the anaesthetic to wear off. You will be encouraged to get up and walk soon after any surgery. This prevents pooling of body fluids and pneumonia. You cannot drive yourself home, so arrange for a friend to pick you up and monitor you overnight for complications. You can take a shower the day after your surgery, but avoid baths, douching, swimming, and intercourse for a month. Avoid heavy lifting. Wear absorbent sanitary napkins for a few days up to several weeks after surgery to catch the drainage. Do not use tampons because of risk of infection. Breast discomfort and leaking milk may last a week. If you develop fever, heavy bleeding or a foul-smelling discharge, you may need antibiotics to fight infection or ergometrine to stanch bleeding. Barring complications, you can return to work in two days, but book the week off work as a precaution. Most women can resume exercising in three weeks.
Miscarriage is often treatable if addressed immediately. Not every woman who spots during the first trimester has a miscarriage. If you are pregnant and spot or bleed, go to your doctor or the nearest Emergency room as soon as possible. Bring any tissue you pass with you in a clean container for the lab to test for abnormalities and to pinpoint your problem.


In this method, the calculation is a bit difficult but all the same if you put your effort you will learn it.

Lets assume Mrs Sparkwell saw her last menstruation in month of May, precisely 22 May 2005 and it lasted for 4 days e.g 22,23,24,25(started on 22,the first day) Assume there are 30 days in a month.

The calculation will look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 "22" 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1)Add 10 days to the first day of the last period (it will bring the date into another month entirely)
22 /05 /2005
+10 (adding 10 + 22= 32 which takes you to 2nd JUNE). Now we have new date 2 /06/ 2005)

2)Subtract 3 months from the month: 2 /06 /2005
-3 (after subtracting we will have 2 /03 /2005)

3)Add one year: ( after adding one year, you will have 2 /03 /2006


Once a woman is pregnant, she imagines the period of time she will spend being pregnant and as she starts approaching ninth month, her thoughts will shift from this imagination to a more disturbing one. She starts to wonder when exactly or within what week is she going to put to bed. Here is how to be ahead of your Doctor.You can calculate your delivery date before your Doctor informs you about your delivery date.

Let's assume Mrs Williams saw her last
menstruation in month of August 2002
and it started on 5 of August (LAST MONTH


1 2 3 4 "5" 6 7 8 9

1011 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 2425 26 27

28 29 30

To calculate:
1.Add '10' to the first day(5 Aug.) of the last menstrual period. (assume each month is 30 days).
2.subtract 3months from the month (Aug.) the last period occurred.
3. Add one year.
This is what it will look like:
Last menstruation was 5/08/2002
Then add and subtract +10/-3/1
It will give this new date 15/5/2003

(add 10 to 5=15, subtract 3 from 8=5, and add 1 year to 2002=2003). Mrs Williams will deliver her baby on 15th of may 2003 from the above calculations.


Stretch mark occurs in adolescence, pregnancy, and obesity. For a pregnant woman who had it in her adolescence age, she is likely to notice that it becomes conspicuous and enlarged during pregnancy. And for those pregnant women who never had it during their adolescence age, it may not be too enlarged like that of a pregnant woman who had it in her adolescence age. A pregnant woman who had stretch mark in her adolescence has 99% chance that after pregnancy, the stretch mark will not disappear, while pregnant women who never experienced stretch marks in adolescence may witness the disappearance at different rate from one pregnant woman to another - for few it clears after childbirth through gradual process and for others it will clear leaving traces or never clear at all. Stretch mark has no well defined cause(s). It is believed that they are caused by inability of the skin to stretch so as to accommodate the growing fetus. Others believe that it is caused by increased quantity of adrenal hormones, this increase lead to pressure on the skin thereby causing it to over stretch and break. Most women have become really worried about how to prevent stretch marks. These worries have led to few pharmaceutical companies to carry out researches that will help relieve pregnant women of these worries.

'PREGNACARE CREAM will help you prevent stretch marks. It is produced to gently protect stretching skin during pregnancy.

  • Pregnacare cream is carefully formulated with botanical extracts and vitamin C & E to moisturize and care for expanding skin during pregnancy.
  • Its gentle rich cream is also suitable following pregnancy to help contracting skin stay supple.

It contains;

  • ~Natural plant extract of calendula, aloe vera and evening primrose oil to help sooth and protect expanding skin

  • ~D-panthenol & vitamin C for collagen production, which provides skin with its elasticity and strengthen

  • ~Natural vitamin E to nourish and protect the dermal layer of the skin.

It is not every woman that takes time to check herself on daily basis. This explains why a woman may be pregnant for weeks, month or months without knowing. (Although there are times when a woman is breast feeding and coincidentally she takes in without knowing because her period still flows every month.) There are cases where women were pregnant for three months yet they do not know they are pregnant. For the fact that pregnancy is associated with certain natural sicknesses or symptoms that are known for other sicknesses like typhoid, malaria etc, most women end up treating themselves for sicknesses that does not exist in their body. Atimes it takes doctor, friends, husband or relatives to convince them to go for a pregnancy test to ascertain the cause of her sickness, especially when she is newly married or she did not experience such sickness or symptoms in the same degree and manner in her first pregnancy if she is a mother. We are going to outline primary symptoms of pregnancy in its early stage, with these, you will easily know when you are pregnant. Especially when you are expecting to be pregnant.Now, fix your seat belt and let’s travel down to the land of 'symptoms of being pregnant’. It is a journey you will enjoy, it's free! No flight ticket is needed.

AMENORRHOEA- This is the first symptom you need to look out for in your body. Amenorrhoea in pregnancy means the seizure of menstruation. Normally every woman who have reached the menstrual age menstruate every month but the moment there is fertilisation of egg by sperm in the womb, she stops seeing her menstruation. The seizure of menstruation tells her that something incredible that will put her at the mercy of an unknown but known and unborn but loved 'wonder' is growing gracefully in her womb!It is pertinent to note that pregnancy is not the only cause of amenorrhoea. You may wonder why. The reason is that amenorrhoea can be caused by other factors in absence of pregnancy. These factors include emotional stress, some vaginal diseases, loss of weight especially when it is a severe weight loss, certain illness etc. Therefore when you are expecting to be pregnant and you notice amenorrhoea, be sure it is amenorrhoea caused by pregnancy before you package it as a 'surprise pack' for your husband.

BREAST- Most women witness increase in their breast during menstruation. But when you notice an increased breast that really look bigger than the usual breast size you used to know, firmer, supple and continued to increase day after day just do not hesitate to ask yourself 'Am I pregnant'? For some women, the changes in the breasts are noticed easily due to the sudden increase of the breasts while in other women the changes may constitute a gradual process of increase. The changes in the breasts are caused by female sex hormones called oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for the absolute changes in a woman's body during pregnancy.

VOMITING AND NAUSEA- Vomiting in pregnancy is very common and sometimes inevitable. It usually occur in the morning for most women (this explains why some doctors call it morning sickness)while others witness it any time of the day. Going by research, it is the most vulnerable symptoms of pregnancy women dislike most. May be because it embarrasses them when they least expect it. 'Can you imagine vomiting in your office or in a super market where you went to shop! Isn't it embarrassing? Now you know why most pregnant women dislike it.

FREQUENT URINATION- By the virtue of being pregnant, you will start experiencing constant urge to urinate. This is caused as a result of the pressure on your bladder. The bladder at this time produces more urine than usual as a result of the increased weight of the womb which exert pressure on the bladder.

SALIVATING AND FART- These symptoms are also common among pregnant women although the rate at which it occurs varies from one pregnant woman to another. Imagine you being pregnant and while you are at the office you will need to stand up from your seat and walk to the 'ladies' (toilet) to spit out saliva 7 times before the end of the day’s work! Would you feel comfortable with that? Definitely No! But you have to do it for your baby's sake. Or imagine being in your company's round table meeting and before the end of the meeting, you have quietly and silently polluted the air! As the offensive odour circulate round the board room, the next person seated to you will give you this glance that suggest to you that he is saying "I know you are the culprit".
What a journey! You can now unfix your seat belt. We are back from the land of 'symptoms of pregnancy at early stage'. Now you know what to look out for when you are expecting to be pregnant or what you must notice to suspect you are pregnant. When you see these symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor for medical analysis before you package the surprise for your husband or the important people in your life that need to know.