It is not every woman that takes time to check herself on daily basis. This explains why a woman may be pregnant for weeks, month or months without knowing. (Although there are times when a woman is breast feeding and coincidentally she takes in without knowing because her period still flows every month.) There are cases where women were pregnant for three months yet they do not know they are pregnant. For the fact that pregnancy is associated with certain natural sicknesses or symptoms that are known for other sicknesses like typhoid, malaria etc, most women end up treating themselves for sicknesses that does not exist in their body. Atimes it takes doctor, friends, husband or relatives to convince them to go for a pregnancy test to ascertain the cause of her sickness, especially when she is newly married or she did not experience such sickness or symptoms in the same degree and manner in her first pregnancy if she is a mother. We are going to outline primary symptoms of pregnancy in its early stage, with these, you will easily know when you are pregnant. Especially when you are expecting to be pregnant.Now, fix your seat belt and let’s travel down to the land of 'symptoms of being pregnant’. It is a journey you will enjoy, it's free! No flight ticket is needed.
AMENORRHOEA- This is the first symptom you need to look out for in your body. Amenorrhoea in pregnancy means the seizure of menstruation. Normally every woman who have reached the menstrual age menstruate every month but the moment there is fertilisation of egg by sperm in the womb, she stops seeing her menstruation. The seizure of menstruation tells her that something incredible that will put her at the mercy of an unknown but known and unborn but loved 'wonder' is growing gracefully in her womb!It is pertinent to note that pregnancy is not the only cause of amenorrhoea. You may wonder why. The reason is that amenorrhoea can be caused by other factors in absence of pregnancy. These factors include emotional stress, some vaginal diseases, loss of weight especially when it is a severe weight loss, certain illness etc. Therefore when you are expecting to be pregnant and you notice amenorrhoea, be sure it is amenorrhoea caused by pregnancy before you package it as a 'surprise pack' for your husband.
BREAST- Most women witness increase in their breast during menstruation. But when you notice an increased breast that really look bigger than the usual breast size you used to know, firmer, supple and continued to increase day after day just do not hesitate to ask yourself 'Am I pregnant'? For some women, the changes in the breasts are noticed easily due to the sudden increase of the breasts while in other women the changes may constitute a gradual process of increase. The changes in the breasts are caused by female sex hormones called oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for the absolute changes in a woman's body during pregnancy.
VOMITING AND NAUSEA- Vomiting in pregnancy is very common and sometimes inevitable. It usually occur in the morning for most women (this explains why some doctors call it morning sickness)while others witness it any time of the day. Going by research, it is the most vulnerable symptoms of pregnancy women dislike most. May be because it embarrasses them when they least expect it. 'Can you imagine vomiting in your office or in a super market where you went to shop! Isn't it embarrassing? Now you know why most pregnant women dislike it.
FREQUENT URINATION- By the virtue of being pregnant, you will start experiencing constant urge to urinate. This is caused as a result of the pressure on your bladder. The bladder at this time produces more urine than usual as a result of the increased weight of the womb which exert pressure on the bladder.
SALIVATING AND FART- These symptoms are also common among pregnant women although the rate at which it occurs varies from one pregnant woman to another. Imagine you being pregnant and while you are at the office you will need to stand up from your seat and walk to the 'ladies' (toilet) to spit out saliva 7 times before the end of the day’s work! Would you feel comfortable with that? Definitely No! But you have to do it for your baby's sake. Or imagine being in your company's round table meeting and before the end of the meeting, you have quietly and silently polluted the air! As the offensive odour circulate round the board room, the next person seated to you will give you this glance that suggest to you that he is saying "I know you are the culprit".
What a journey! You can now unfix your seat belt. We are back from the land of 'symptoms of pregnancy at early stage'. Now you know what to look out for when you are expecting to be pregnant or what you must notice to suspect you are pregnant. When you see these symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor for medical analysis before you package the surprise for your husband or the important people in your life that need to know.